Video project on food insecurity in the American middle class.
Food insecurity is a known truth in the United States, but that doesn’t mean it’s very well addressed. After researching the facts and histories on this issue, and reading too many densely written annual reports, I decided to focus on the middle class. I hadn’t found any research or projects that focused on this group, but I thought that using the middle class might make the audience relate more personally to this issue. Maybe if people saw that their neighbors, friends, or family could be suffering with food insecurity, that no one is immune, then they might be more motivated to take action on the issue.
The Hunger You Know
With the goal to make this video personal, I decided to create it in a documentary styled format. I focused on a story told by a man who had lost everything during the Great Recession in 2007. He was someone who was living the classic American Dream, but that didn’t stop him from experiencing the effects of a broken economy.
This story was paired with facts on the cost of living in the American middle class and the cost of keeping food on the table.